It’s Tough to Be a Bug Closing in March 2025

Well, we finally have a closing date for It’s Tough to Be a Bug. The 3D attraction that’s themed after the Pixar film, A Bug’s Life will officially close on March 17, 2025.

The attraction is closing to make way for a brand new attraction called Zootopia: Better Zoogether! and will be themed around the film Zootopia. This will be a brand new 4D attraction that’s coming to the Tree of Life Theater. Zootopia: Better Zoogether! Join Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde and more for a new wild adventure. It will take Guests on an adventure through different biomes seen in the film.
It’s Tough to Be A Bug was an opening date attraction for Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Though, truthfully, it wasn’t a favorite of mine. It was kind of scary for little kids (and some adults, to be honest). I’m excited to see what Zootopia: Better Zoogether! will bring.
Zootopia: Better Zoogether! is expected to open in winter 2025.
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But now, I want to know your thoughts. Are you sad about the closure of It’s Tough to Be a Bug or do you look forward to the new show, like I do? You can share with me in the comments or on social! Find me on Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, Threads, and TikTok.
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