Preview of Disney The Tale of Moana Stage Show for the Disney Treasure
“Disney The Tale of Moana,” the Broadway-style show debuting on the Disney Treasure later this year, will bring Moana’s unforgettable coming-of-age adventures from the film to live audiences for the first time. During the D23 Expo, we got a first look from one of the key climactic moments from the production.
The scene depicts Moana as she takes her final stand against Te Kā. You know…that fiery lava-wielding foe. Te Kā will appear on stage as an incredible fifteen-foot-tall puppet! This is the largest puppet ever produced for a Disney Cruise Line show. “Disney The Tale of Moana” will portray Moana’s courageous determination to restore the heart of Te Fiti and the resulting transformation of the Te Kā puppet into her true self, a stunning green goddess.
Throughout this Broadway-caliber show, audiences will see many of their favorite characters from the film reimagined as puppets, including a young version of Moana. The puppetry for this show is being developed Jeff Conover. He was the creative director of puppetry and articulation for Disney Live Entertainment. It’s also being developed by Michael Curry, whose previous credits include “The Lion King” on Broadway.
You can find out more details about Disney The Tale of Moana here.
What do you think? Are you excited to experience this new show? You can share with me in the comments or on social! Find me on Facebook, X, YouTube, Instagram, Threads, and TikTok.
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